Awaken Alma is a sacred portal of offerings created to support you in your healing & awakening journey.
through quality stones & crystals, reiki healing energy work, intuitive guidance,
tarot & oracle readings, moon circle community gatherings -
& above all, the intention to serve
you in whatever capacity you are in need of.

my vision for Awaken Alma is to ultimately be a “one stop shop” to provide materials & services that can
benefit every aspect of what one’s soul may be searching for.

a place of belonging.

you are welcome here.


Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful life force energy that is guided through certain techniques as a healing modality. this alternative medicine originated in Japan, where the word "Reiki" finds its roots. in the Japanese language, "rei" means "God’s Wisdom or The Highest Power" & "ki" means "life force energy".

as a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master, I facilitate reiki sessions by offering a space that allows - & guides - my client's natural healing abilities to bring rest, balance & harmony to their mind, body & soul through Reiki.

Reiki helps to rebalance one’s energy flow & remove blockages within the body, which may be resulting in physical pain, stress, emotional worries, & anxiety. I whole-heartedly believe that energy is the underlying connection between all things physical, mental, emotional & spiritual - & through the healing technique of Reiki, I am able to help guide clients into restoration & feeling balanced in all aspects.

Reiki benefits also include: relieving stress & anxiety, promoting feelings of calmness, encourages emotional release, eases pain & discomfort, stimulates mental clarity, eases muscle tension, improves sleep, enhances spiritual connection, & much more!

it is my honor to be the one to encourage & help guide your healing journey.

Learn more about Reiki HERE.

BOOK HERE for in-person Reiki services at Indigo Wellness Center in Salem, Oregon.

BOOK HERE for a virtual Reiki session - from the comfort of your own space.

upcoming events

my story

my soul awakening journey has been one of healing, growth & a desire to learn.

I grew up on a farm, outside of Portland, Oregon, where I learned to love the outdoors. spending time in the forest was rejuvenating for me & I always felt energetically grounded, yet light at the same time. I would often collect stones, pretty nature specimens, animals were naturally drawn to me, & my bedroom was filled with plants & crystals too.

the passion for natural healing was instilled in me from a young age, as my family used essential oils, ate organic foods, & believed in the power of prayer. it wasn’t until my early adult years that I discovered Reiki & the connection between physical & spiritual through the energetic realm.

it was then that I discovered my calling in life.